Gilbert Platt, disposes of part of her estate she possessed on the day of her marriage I give to my daughter Mary, now wife of Mr. William Ligon and to said William Ligon, various items and Indian girl Moll Eaters signed Mary Platt rec.
Wm Ligon did by his petition desire a mare of a mouse color with a foal might be recorded to the use of Martha Tanner an orphan, which according to the order of the court is inscribed. Richard Ligon (according to the order of the vestry) does appoint Monday next to be here on the Glebe & lay out the land for the town, according as he is by the said order enjoined (Warner p. Gilbert Platt gives to Joseph, Edward, Mary, and Martha Tanner, orphans of Joseph Tanner, decd. All right to their plantation and buildings wit: John Farrar, Tho.